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Mr. Fish

Sunset - Serigraph

This was my first screenprint. I was experimenting with color and various techniques of making templates. I had some wonderful magazine statistic diagrams with these cookie cutter women shapes. I loved it. I thought it would work well with the flatness of the medium. I wanted there to be dynamic lines to keep it from being too stadic/boring a piece; hence the yellows and the splatters. The edges of the image are irregular. When you see bits of white, it's because it's not really rectangular as it pushes in and pulls out of the picture plane. The woman in the foreground has been torn limb from limb and reduced to her essentials of being a creature of her sex. Her breasts are huge and dominating. She looms larger then all the atomatons in the background, like an idol goddess. The red on her breast and womb are disection diagrams from grey's anatomy.

Bed of Thorns